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The Most Important Taoist Invocation

I’m going to reveal the single most important Taoist invocation.  If you do no other invocation than this one, your spirituality will grow. Invocation is really about you sitting down and setting up a direct, responsive relationship between you and the Tao.  In contrast, I often liken text study of such things as the  Tao […]

Wei Wu Wei or Not Doing in Taoism

Wei Wu Wei, the doing of not-doing, or not doing is a relatively simple practice within Taoism and the 4 Ascendant Tradition.  Unfortunately, it is a concept that is often the source of one upmanship and contests of authority within the philosophical movement.  That competition has tended to make the practice of wei wu wei […]

Building Blocks of Powerful Invocation, Activating Tao Te

Dear Friend, The act of Invocation provides you with an easy opportunity to better your relationship with the Tao.  It is the method  by which the universe will listen to you and communicate with you.  It is part of Te referred to in Tao Te. Let’s start with the basics. What is an Invocation? Invocation […]