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Podcast Transcription, Episode 3-You Are The Tao

Uncover the truth that You Are the Tao with Master Mikel Steenrod in this enlightening episode. Learn how the Tao is already within you, making enlightenment possible. Explore how acceptance, gratitude, and invocation deepen your connection to the Tao, empowering you to live with clarity and purpose.

Living The Tao: A Spiritual Podcast

Episode 003: You Are The Tao

You Are the Tao: Episode 003
byMikel Steenrod

In this episode, Taoist Master Mikel Steenrod reveals that you are already the thing that you are pursuing, and the Four spheres of power:  Social, martial, Qi, and Tao.  Plus tips on the powerful practice of invocation.

Living the Tao, a Spiritual Podcast explores how ancient wisdom, a practical perspective, and deep truth can empower you to live your best life.
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Study Guide: Key Themes and Concepts

  1. You Are the Tao

    • Enlightenment is possible because you are already the Tao. There is no large separation between you and the Tao.

    • Strange Taoist sayings arise from this truth: you are what you are pursuing.

    • The goal is to restore your knowledge of this connection through practice, not just theory.

  2. The Importance of Practice

    • Reading about the Tao or talking about it creates potential for action but isn’t the same as practice.

    • Practice moves your essence into alignment with the Tao, enabling understanding and choice.

  3. The Four Spheres of Power

    • Social Sphere: Governs relationships, systems, and societal structures.

    • Martial Sphere: The power of force, which can override social structures (e.g., war can dismantle governments).

    • Qi Sphere: Energetic power, often misunderstood or diluted in modern practices, but fundamentally stronger than martial power.

    • Tao Sphere: Spiritual power that transcends and can override all other spheres but does not give mastery within them.

    • Key Rule: Higher spheres can destroy lower ones, but power in one sphere does not translate to power in another.

  4. Balance in Life

    • To live a fulfilling life, humans must manage three basic acts:

      1. Relationships (social connections)

      2. Resources (material needs)

      3. Personal Development (spiritual or self-growth)

    • Neglecting any one of these areas leads to unhappiness.

  5. Acceptance as Strength

    • Acceptance is not weakness; it is a profound strength that brings clarity and freedom.

    • Resistance to acceptance is often a product of societal conditioning.

    • An intimate knowledge of one’s mortality fosters acceptance and diminishes fear.

The Practice of Invocation

  1. What is Invocation?

    • Invocation is a foundational Taoist practice, akin to prayer, but directed toward oneself as the Tao.

    • It involves deliberate repetition of phrases or actions to align with the Tao and cultivate power.

  2. Types of Invocations

    a. Invocation of Gratitude

    • Focus on things you are grateful for (e.g., your chair, the ability to sit, challenges you’ve overcome).

    • Start with 15 minutes and gradually increase the duration.

    • Gratitude shifts your perspective and helps release you from past struggles.

    b. Invocation of Insight

    • Ask the Tao for clarity or understanding on specific topics (e.g., “I would like insight into this situation”).

    • Be cautious about what you ask for; insights can be transformative but overwhelming.

    c. Invocation of Repulsion

    • Used to repel negativity or harmful influences (e.g., “No bad energy will pass through this doorway”).

    • Repetition strengthens the effect. Historically, Taoist invokers were paid to perform these for hours.

Taoist Lineage and Affiliation

  1. What is a Lineage?

    • A lineage connects practitioners to the collective momentum of past masters.

    • It simplifies the path to enlightenment by drawing on the accumulated energy of the lineage.

  2. How to Join a Lineage

    • Affiliation occurs through recognition by a lineage holder and consistent practice.

    • Lineage holders act as “magnification points,” amplifying the energy and teachings of the lineage.

  3. Benefits of Lineage

    • Access to the knowledge and karmic value of past practitioners.

    • Easier progression along the spiritual path.

Practical Takeaways

  1. The Ben Franklin Taoist Model: Focus on being “healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

    • Health: Cultivate qi and manage relationships.

    • Wealth: Gain expertise in the social sphere and positive power.

    • Wisdom: Observe the world and understand its flow.

  2. Start Small:

    • Gratitude and insight invocations are easy starting points.

    • Build consistency and gradually deepen your practice.

  3. Balance is Key:

    • Manage relationships, resources, and personal development to live a harmonious life.

    • Address deficits in neglected areas to reduce unhappiness.

Quotes to Reflect On

  • “You are the thing that you are pursuing. You already have it.”

  • “Acceptance is a massive strength, not a weakness.”

  • “Gratitude changes the way you interact with yourself and your environment.”

Study Tips

  • Reflect on how the Four Spheres of Power show up in your own life.

  • Begin daily gratitude or insight invocations to experience their transformative effects.

  • Consider where you may be resisting acceptance and explore how embracing it could empower you.

Transcription of Episode 3

Welcome to Living the Tao, a spiritual podcast that explores how ancient wisdom, a practical perspective, and deep truth can empower you to live your best life.

In this episode, Taoist Master Mikel Steenrod reveals:

  • That you are already the thing that you are pursuing.
  • The Four Spheres of Power: social, martial, qi, and Tao.
  • Tips on the powerful practice of invocation.

You Are the Tao

Another key aspect of Taoism is that you are the Tao. That’s why enlightenment is possible.

We like to think of this huge separation, but the separation isn’t huge. You are the thing that you are pursuing. You already have it.

And that’s where you end up with all these strange sayings in Taoism. The reason that they have those strange sayings is because of this simple factor here: you are the Tao.

So you are a small container of it, apart from the great flow of it, for a period of time, and that’s it. And if you talk about the issue of oneness or anything like that, you’re simply restoring that knowledge that you have.

Restoring Knowledge

By restoring knowledge, I’m not talking about us talking. Talking creates the potential for action. It creates the potential for your “ness” to move by restoring the knowledge.

I mean, your “ness” has moved into the position so it can understand and use that for choice. If you don’t do that, then you might as well read the book, or one of the many manuals that have been written.

And that’s fine. It’s just not practice. That’s why you’ll always go back, “Well, it’s the practice, it’s the thing that you do.”

The reason for it is this simple model here.

The Ben Franklin Taoist Situation

Now, for the most part, if you get through these three things and these two layers right here, you’ll create for yourself what I call the Ben Franklin Taoist situation: healthy, wealthy, and wise.

The Four Spheres of Power

Now, the 4 Ascendant of the 4 Ascendant Spheres isn’t a mystery element. And again, the name is not designed to invoke mystery.

If it was designed to invoke mystery, it would say something like, “The divine dragon eggs descended from the mountain, the blah blah blah school.” And you do get that.

But what we have are the Four Spheres:

  1. The Social Sphere
  2. The Sphere of Qi
  3. The Martial Sphere
  4. The Sphere of the Tao

These are spheres of power, and basically, the rule of spheres is this:
“While a superior sphere…” So the higher the number, the more superior it is, “…can destroy or override the power of any preceding sphere, it (that capability) does not give you power in that sphere.”

Martial Sphere

Actually, this should be flipped around. I was starting to draw the 4-component model of qi gong. So let’s flip that around: Martial Qi.

No matter what we do within society or what group we try to establish, or rule system we try to establish, as history has shown us many, many times, Martial can always destroy it.

It doesn’t matter. All you need is Genghis Khan and a spear, a bow and arrow, and a sword, or the modern equivalent of it.

It does not matter what is accomplished socially. It can be overturned by Martial.

Qi Sphere

Qi can overturn Martial. It is just poorly understood nowadays.

The very reason that chi gung developed in the way it did—or the way we have chi gung now—is that many of the things that truly power chi gung practice have been removed from practice and set aside so that it could not be easily or universally used.

When it is fully used, it is vastly more powerful than anything that can occur within the martial sphere. And that is something to keep in mind.

But for the most part, within the current structure of the mind, it is difficult to achieve.

Tao Sphere

The spiritual can destroy any of these preceding things. But the thing to keep in mind is that there are limitations.

Having great power within the Tao does not give you any power within the social. Not at all. It simply gives you the power to destroy it. Not to change it. Not to have power within it. Not to do any of those things.

And it’s the same thing with Martial and Social.

In fact, when Martial tries to have power in Social, you always end up with these really inefficient, really decrepit governmental systems, really bad social systems that pop up.

The reason Martial can’t have any power in Social? It’s just the rules.

  • Now, can it destroy it? Yes.
  • Can it override it? Yes.
  • Can it have any power in it? No.

Any time you try to mix it, it ends up with something that’s just ineffective.

The Rules of the Spheres

It’s just the rules.

  • Can it destroy it? Yes.
  • Can it override it? Yes.
  • Can it have any power in it? No.

Any time you try to mix it, it ends up with something that’s just ineffective.

Six Practices for Health and Happiness

The reason that this is important is these six practices can give you power in the areas that really make you healthier and happier.

  • Health: It gives you some health.
  • Wealth: It will give you some wealth because you’ll gain expertise within the social.

The fact is that our most successful people know positive power extremely well. Wealthy people who make their wealth know it. They write about it all the time. They write about it as being a foundation of their practice.

It’s not a mystery. It’s well known. It’s ground in as a behavior that is essential for success in the things that you pursue.

The Role of Hygiene

And hygiene also helps in there. You know, if you want health, well, you know, have some calm and some positive power.

I can actually start pulling out studies that show you, very deliberately, that that changes your health. Straight out.

  • The more negative you are, the more likely you are to have disease.
  • The less likely you are to live a long time.
  • Probably the less likely you are to want to live a long time.

Wisdom Through Practices

And wise: if you have some of these things (practices), you can watch the world, and from there comes wisdom.

You can see the flow of things and talk to other people about it. And they will wonder how you have mastered such great things.

Say, I just look at stuff and that’s the way it goes. And so as you look at stuff, you can tell people about things. And so they regard you as being wise.

That’s why I say that the first two levels (spheres) will pretty much give you everything that you want. If you want to pursue wealth and use that, because it is a foundation of society. Let’s not forget that.

Wealth and Tao Are Independent

As we start going into the other three, we can sit back, “Well, you know, that doesn’t provide you with blah blah blah.”

Yeah, it’s well known that that doesn’t provide you. Just take a look. It has nothing to do with the sphere of Tao.

  • Wealth and Tao—those are independent things.
  • It has to do with the sphere of social.

So if you have goals that are in the social, you need to make sure you’re working goals that are in the social. Different sets of practices.

Balancing Time Across Spheres

As we deal with these, we can really sit back and go, “Well, you know, I’m spending a huge amount of time doing these things here, but I’m not really spending any time over here.”

That’s why I have a deficit in these areas.

Martial Sphere as a Consideration

Now, Martial—we’re just kind of setting aside for now. But it’s a factor that should be considered.

The reason exists, for example, the clan. Consider three things absolutely essential:

  1. That you engage in trade (issues of wealth).
  2. That you maintain the standing capacity to use force, because otherwise people will take away the things that you get from trade.
  3. That you have spiritual development, because otherwise you will simply erupt in your own warfare and destroy yourself.

And so those are major factors.

The Three Basic Human Acts

The other thing is, let’s say, we take these two things here, and we look at what humans do during the day.

The three basic human acts:

  1. You manage your relationships.
  2. You manage your resources.
  3. You engage in personal development.

If you’re shy of even one of these things, you will be unhappy, because you are not doing the things that a human does.

Now, you can do more or less or different ways of the same thing, but you have to handle those three things.

Ease Through Skill Development

Now, sometimes it’ll be easier to do one or the other, but you kind of need those things.

So if you have these skills here, these start to become easy. And you might sit back and go, “Well, you know, that Tao thing is great, and it’s given me a lot, but I like it just fine here,” and I’m perfectly fine with that.

Basic Human Needs and Happiness

Most of the unhappiness we have, human-wide, is the failure to address really basic human needs in these areas (the managements).

We’re not talking about— I mean, you could go about and just give people food and water, so they’re not really worried in shelter and about resources, but then you’ll just leave them with problems in relationships.

And in fact, giving them the stuff might, in fact, create the problem in the relationship.

The Issue of Personal Development

And the issue of personal development. I’ve been in plenty of situations that I deliberately set up for myself, where I had nothing to do but train for years at a time.

That’s actually what I spent large amounts of my 20s doing.

And let me tell you, after a certain amount of time engaged in personal development, you want to do something else.

The Importance of Balance

Doesn’t matter who you are, you’re just sitting there going, “Man, I got six more months of this.”

Let me tell you, if you’re living in a closet or meditating in a closet for three months, you start sitting there going, “Maybe I’ll go out tonight and go drinking.”

And really, there’s no greater illustration of those three demands upon you as you go through.

They have to be addressed in some way, because there are a lot of different ways we can go here.

Invocation: What Are You Praying To?

Invocation—its current equivalent, and what it’s often treated as—is prayer.

However, what are you praying to?
You are the Tao.

That’s the nature of invocation. So, make sure to set up a picture of yourself with some candles, offer it something you really enjoy, and then get to it.

Demystifying Invocation

With invocation, this is really one of those areas where a lot of times, mystery is assigned.

But as you start to understand it, you know, there have even been times where I’ve sat back and been tempted to add some mysterious things to it—because it’s so simple.

It’s like, “Oh, yeah, well, it’s hugely effective, but it’s kind of boring. So I’m going to just add stuff to it.”

A Foundational Element

Invocation—this is a foundational element.

This is where you are actually laying the groundwork for your relationship with the Tao.

For those of you that are on the more monkly pathway, it is essential because it points you out to the lineage.

The Difference Between Monks and Non-Monks

Probably the only major differentiation in practice is your choice of goals—between a monk and a non-monk:

  1. Your choice of goals.
  2. Whether or not you have a lineage affiliation.

The Role of Lineage

We’ve discussed lineage before, but basically, in a nutshell, assuming linear time—remember, Taoists think that time is nonlinear, but we’ll start off with a linear time model—what happens is this:

As the line of practice spans through history, it is believed by Buddhists, Taoists, and maybe by Hindus, that if you affiliate yourself with a lineage, it becomes easier to pursue enlightenment.

Because you gain the momentum of force of prior practitioners through time to assist you in doing something.

Time as Nonlinear

In nonlinear time, this is really easy to think about because all those practitioners, at every single moment in their lives, still exist—as does the future.

So, the people that come after you are already there doing the things that they’re going to do.

Misinterpretation of Nonlinear Time

It’s freaky to think about because the first misinterpretation of this is that it means everything is fixed.

It’s not fixed.

Everything, in fact, is in a state of change. It just doesn’t occur relative to time.

So don’t think about that.

Joining the Lineage Party

Basically, what that means is that you get to hang out with everybody that is hanging out—or has come before.

To do that, you have to get yourself into a position where you get invited to the party.

That’s basically it.

So, you’re going to go to the “not hammering the foot” party. You got your party book, and it’s like, “Yeah, I like what those guys are doing.” (Flips through imaginary book.)

“Oh, that was the wrong one.”

You walk up to the door, and they go:

  • “What’s the password?”
  • “Yeah, get out of here.”

What Is a Lineage?

Basically, a lineage is composed of a cycle of holders.

The cycle of holders are magnification points of the lineage. Anybody can become a holder.

Now, this depends on the lineage.

Different Lineages

I can’t talk for Buddhist lineages or even most Taoist lineages.

The Soons (clan) use a very old system. And it’s basically believed that once you are fully affiliated with the lineage and capable of embodying or representing any portion of the teachings, you become a magnification point of it.

There can be more than one.

Enlightenment and Lineage Holders

Also, you don’t need to become a lineage holder to become enlightened. It’s a different thing.

Enlightened people may or may not participate in that aspect of the lineage.

The Function of Lineage Holders

Lineage holders, for the 4 Ascendants, contain multiple pathways to the same place.

They’re essential because they allow different types of people to achieve the same goal.

That’s the function of a lineage holder.

Absorbing Multiple Pathways

Some people have an inherent capacity to absorb multiple pathways.

I am one of those people.

It’s very easy for me to do about fifty years of training in three years. It was freakish, but it was easy.

Now, that’s what a holder is. They hold that information.

Formal Title of a Lineage Holder

That’s why lineage holders have the formal title.

Within the 4 Ascendants, it’s “Keeper of the Gate of Man and Heaven.” (Master Steenrod misspoke here. The generalized title is “Keeper.”)

That’s specifically what their job is in the cycle of things.

How Affiliation Occurs

Now, affiliation with a lineage generally occurs through a holder, a currently existing holder.

And by using the invocations, at some point, I might say:

  • “Maybe you should pay attention to this person,” and that creates an affiliation with the lineage.

Rituals and Recognition

And so I’ll do that—some magical stuff.

  • I’ll sacrifice your chicken.
  • I’ll dance around a little bit.
  • I’ll drive backwards in a VW bug.

And then, you’ll be affiliated with the lineage.

Actually, most of it’s your work and just association, and then gradually becoming recognized.

The Purpose of Progressing in a Lineage

So that’s kind of the background theory.

The big reason to progress within the lineage is this:

All holders—if you’re at the holder level—have access to the knowledge of all other holders.

The Power of the Lineage

That’s precisely why the lineage is believed to exist.

The lineage has some power behind it.

For Buddhists, who gain the karmic value of all those who came before and are empowered, that’s what the Buddhist empowerment ceremonies are for—to achieve those ends.

It’s easier.

And that’s the big function behind it: it just gets easier.

What Is Invocation?

Invocation is usually the repetition of a phrase or an act over a period of time.

It sounds like a lot of things can be an invocation. Yes, that is true.

One of the first invocations to start with is the invocation of gratitude.

Invocation of Gratitude

Now, what you really have to do to get lineage affiliation is you have to get out of the nursery—the karmic nursery. That’s your first objective.

And we’ll go over that in just a minute.

But the invocation of gratitude is basically like when you’re dealing with a little kid and you give them something. Unless they’ve been taught to say thank you, they don’t say thank you. Do they? Not at all.

In fact, they’re not grateful for anything. They simply assume that it is their right within the domain of humans to have all such things delivered unto them.

Gratitude vs. Thankfulness

Invocation of gratitude is you dealing with yourself. As you’re basically saying:

  • I am grateful for blah blah blah.
  • I’m grateful for my chair.
  • I’m grateful for the ability to sit here.
  • I’m grateful for my ability to interact with all of you.
  • I’m grateful that you showed up.

Now, gratitude and thankfulness are two different things.

There are a lot of things I am not thankful for, but I am grateful for.

  • I’m grateful for the challenges that I have faced.
  • I’m grateful even for the things that I have failed to do or lost because they created new pathways for me that I was able to use.

However, I didn’t like any of that. So keep that in mind. I’m not really very thankful for that.

A Challenge Turned Gratitude

For example:

  • Yeah, I’m really thankful for you repeatedly kicking me in the head.
  • I’m grateful for having the opportunity to overcome your kicks to my head.
  • I’m grateful for different stuff like that.

And this changes the way you interact, both with yourself and your environment.

The Power of Gratitude Practice

It really does. It’s not a fictional change. It is a deliberate and steady change forward. And the only way to find that is by going through the gratitudes.

Initially, you might sit there, “Well, how can I possibly go through gratitudes for blah blah blah amount of time?”

So what times have I given everybody? Fifteen minutes to start with.

When you hear that, it’s like, “Wow. How can I be grateful for fifteen minutes?”

Let me ask you something. How can you not be grateful for fifteen minutes?

Building Up Your Practice

As you go farther and farther, you increase your gratitude periods.

In fact, if you want to become a specialist, there’s a specific specialty of Taoism called an invoker.

What you do is practice invocations. You practice them over and over again.

Professional Invokers

In fact, people can pay you to do those invocations.

So they come up and say:

  • I would like you to be grateful for me for two days.

And then you just start going through, and you run gratitudes for that person in the attempt to sway their karma because they didn’t want to do it themselves.

Paying Karma for Others

You can pay somebody else’s karmic debt.

But you have to be cautious when you do it. There are three levels of blessing.

At the third level of blessing, you are intruding in the flow of things on behalf of somebody else.

Risks of Taking on Others’ Karma

The vast majority of people that would market or sell that—even in old temple practice—can’t do it.

  • They’ll go through the ritual of the invocation and such, but they don’t have the karma to pull it off.

Taking on somebody else’s karma… You have to be careful of such a thing because you’re really dealing with the fundamental flow of things then.

So you can end up royally screwed, to put it in Taoist terms.

The Gratitude Path

You have to be careful of such a thing. Yes, you can do it.

By the invocation of gratitude, you really set yourself up into a position of dealing with yourself and realizing where you are in the balance of your life.

Questions to Ask Yourself

If you’re sitting there and saying:

  • “I really just can’t be grateful for this situation here, or this thing that’s going on there, or that.”

The thing you have to ask yourself is:

  1. Why is that in your life?
  2. Why do you have something in your life you can’t be grateful for?
  3. Why are you wasting your precious days on such a thing?

Acceptance and Time

Ultimately, the reason that mind of clarity becomes vastly more difficult is that when we jump up in that stage, you have to address the limitation of your time.

If you’re building a life that is based around knowledge of you not dying, ah, you’re not going to live very well.

You have to sit back and simply accept you have this much time. It is spent one way or the other.

And I need to create a life strategy that allows me to take that into consideration.

Intimacy with Mortality

One thing—and you don’t start off with this—but one thing that ultimately you end up with past mind of clarity is an intimate knowledge of your own death.

  • You feel it tick along, and you get comfortable.

Once you get to that point, it becomes almost impossible to threaten you.

The Strength of Acceptance

Acceptance really initially… We sit back and we go—and I can tell you, personally, I don’t know about yourselves—I had a huge resistance to it because I thought it was the acceptance of defeat.

And as my teacher pointed out to me:

  • “You’re the most stubborn person I’ve ever trained in my life.”

That’s quite a statement coming from him, across various warriors, across all these things.

He even said there was a Monty Python reference:

  • “You’re that guy in Monty Python where, you know, they cut off his legs, they cut off his arms, and he’s just a head, but you’re still fighting.”

And which was great in some ways, but it was also horrible in other ways.

The reason for that is because that basic element of I was unwilling to accept acceptance—because I thought it was a weakness—and then eventually rolled around to, “Well, you know, I just have to accept this.”

Once I did that, I found out it was a massive strength, which is one of the reasons I probably spent so much time harping on the nature of acceptance.

The Illusion of Weakness

It’s really easy to jam yourself up with the thought of it being weakness. Really easy, because it’s an illusion of the social mind.

And only when you get to the point that you sit back and go, “My god, that’s just tremendously powerful. I can change all sorts of things now that I’ve accepted this,”—it’s its own strange power.

Invocation of Gratitude: Starting Small

So, invocation of gratitude: basically, you start off working in short periods, about fifteen minutes.

You just sit there and work it for a period of time and build out.

The Power of Gratitude Practice

It’s really very strange as to the power that it has, both in:

  1. Changing you.
  2. Releasing you from your own history.
  3. Moving you actually more into acceptance.

It also instantly starts to create a positive frame because you start sitting back going, “Oh yeah, yeah. I guess there are all those things that I can be grateful for,” and you just keep working your way through.

The Impact on Relationships

As an interesting side note, people enjoy being around you more.

And it’s a simple practice. Anybody can do it.

Small and Concrete Practices

A lot of times, when we go through the first two layers of those six components, we can sit back and go, “Well, I want something small and concrete that I can do,” which is perfectly reasonable.

To a certain part, though… So, if you’re working with positive power, how do you concretely do that?

Well, you just do it, and you start accomplishing more and more of it.

Why Invocations Are Useful

The other element is that the invocations are good because they’re easy.

Meaning that there are small, controlled events that you can do and that have real results to them.

And so it’s very useful for that reason.

The Invocation of Insight

Now, the other standard starting invocation is the invocation of insight.

Believe it or not, you will have insight if you have some of the—you need a little bit of the other parts.

You can have insight just by asking for it.

Asking for Insight

Remember, you’re the Tao. So you just ask for it, like:

  • I would like more insight.
  • I would like an insight into blah blah blah.

Put in fifteen minutes or so. And you can just let that free flow too.

You just say:

  • I would like insights into the way that the universe is built.
  • I would like insights into blah blah blah.

A Warning About Insight

But be careful of what you ask for an insight into because you will likely get it.

And then you’ll go, “I would like an insight into why I wanted that insight,” because now you don’t want it so much.

You might say, “I’m grateful for having had it. But…”

The Invocation of Repulsion

The last common invocation that’s taught here is an inheritance from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer days.

It’s called the invocation of repulsion.

What Is the Invocation of Repulsion?

This is one that we haven’t really gone over, so we’ll go over it as it is because it’ll verge into our general area for the karmic models.

The invocation of repulsion is a repulsion of evil. And that’s really what it is.

Without a huge amount of explanation, what I would say to you is that all you really have to do is do the repetition and see what happens.

A Practical Example

Let’s do something that’s easily done.

So, remember: this one is actually quite commonly practiced in China in different forms.

For example, let’s say you have a doorway, and you want to make sure that no bad people pass through your doorway.

You basically go:

  • “No bad people will pass through this doorway.”
  • No bad people will pass through the doorway.
  • No bad people will pass through the doorway.
  • No bad people will pass through the doorway.
  • No bad people will pass through the doorway.

Repetition and Results

Four hours later: “No bad people will pass it.”

Well, this is actually one of the standard things that an invoker is paid for.

Why Experience Matters

Yes, the invoker says it for four hours, and that’s what you’re paying the guy for.

You’re paying him for an extremely refined and extremely experienced invocation of the same thing, which does make a serious difference.

Progressing in Gratitudes

As you progress in your gratitudes, the gratitudes you have will be much more powerful than the gratitude you start off with.

Like anything else: reps.

Invoking Repulsion

If you can invoke insight, why can’t you invoke repulsion?

You’re dealing with other things that are within the Tao, that are also made up of the Tao.

How Repulsion Works

Basically, what you’re saying is:

  • You’re putting the note up: don’t pass through this doorway.

Now, can they pass through that doorway?

  • Might they go someplace else? More than likely.
  • If you put it in really, really big letters that flash neon at them when they come up, more and more likely.
  • If it says, “Hey, if you walk through this door, I want to zap you with electricity,” even more likely.

Strength of Words

So, the bigger your words, the stronger it is, and the more repulsive effect that you have.

This is a traditional element for both Taoist and Chinese culture.

Using the Traditional Element

If you want to enter into the traditional element, you can very easily do this.

And this will have a strange effect—just as gratitude and insight do.

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